Measure of Integrity of Submissions of Students


✚ Add ZIP File






Quick Start

Do you have a class full of students whose assignments you would like to check? Are they in a ZIP file? Perfect. (If you don't, you can download a sample)

  1. Click that button over to the left. (the one called `Add Files`)
  2. Upload the file
  3. Watch the pretty charts

If everything is working properly, you should be able to upload the file the way you downloaded it from your LMS

Browser Support

Use Google Chrome.

There are some issues with browswer support. If you are interested, you can view the browser support page which has information on how to turn on and off advanced features.

What file formats are supported?

MISS was originally designed to help with an introductory python class, and was shortly followed by a Javascript class.

  • Python (*.py)
  • Javascript (*.js)
  • FASTA (*.dna)
  • Plain English (*.txt)

Files are tokenized based on their file type (identified by extension) which gives them some contextual interpretation.

see also Parsing

How do you protect my data?

Very simply: I don't store any.

No data is transferred off you computer (aside from some basic usage stats).

see also Project Goals

So this program tells me who is cheating?

No! Used properly it will tell you who is not cheating.

If you already suspect students of cheating, this may demonstrate they aren't.

see also Interpreting Results


The software is free to use.

If you find this useful, do feel free to give a leave a tip or donation If you use it regularily, consider getting in touch so we can talk about your successes and failures. If your organization uses it regularily, please contact me to discuss some potentially enterprise features.

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