Jefferey S Cave

Measure - Think - Act

Adobe CQ Mobile Website 2013

With hand-held devices forming a larger portion of internet traffic, it was decided that changing the Dalhousie University website to be responsive to smaller form factors was required. The Faculty of Agriculture website, being the newest of Dalhousie’s sites was chosen to undergo the initial changes.

While the Faculty of Agriculture was the sub-site selected for visible changes, a major overhaul of the entire site infrastructure was undertaken to make it mobile ready. Given the extensive changes to the underlying infrastructure, early detection of errors, especially in unrelated systems (eg. Medicine, Law, etc.) was highly critical.


  • Stakeholders engaged in establishing their areas of expertise
  • formalized Pass/Fail process implemented (test definitions prior to development)


  • need for Test Driven Development processes identified
  • TDD processes outlined and proposed as part of ongoing development and regression testing

Test Driven Development, Agile (Kanban/Scrum), TestNG, UnitTesting, Automated Regression Testing, TestNG, Selenium, SVN/Subversion, Adobe CQ, Java, JUnit